Central Post [16 September 1985 West]

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Viewers' letters to Central Television presented by Wendy Jones.





Film type:

Colour / Sound


Central Television

Master format:

1 Inch Type C


We open with a series of letters from viewers who are fed up with repeated programmes (one mentions the sitcom 'Duty Free' in particular). To respond to the complaints, Wendy Jones talks to Barry Wood who is the programme planner for Central Television in the studio. He mentions the need for repeats, disputes claims that Duty Free has been shown three times and referes to Auf Wiedersehen Pet as a programme that gained viewers through repeats.

Next there are responces to letters from two weeks ago which critisded the Grotbags character on Emu's World (played by Carol Lee Scott) for using words like 'brats' and 'kids' on the show. Letters from children defend the programme. A clip is also shown from the children's series which is made by Central Television. Next we hear from a viewer unhappy that a recent screening of Superman III was too late for children.

The next letter complains about weather presenter John Bannister laughing during his broadcasts. Bannister himself responds with a piece to camera about the need for humour in forecasts. Finally we have a request to see the legs of Central's continuity announcer Gary Terza. Wendy obliges by showing stills of Terza taken on the set.

Wendy Jones ends the programme with the Birmingham address for sending in letters.


No credits specified


Production number 6655B/85.