Focus: 05.03.1981: Would You Mind Your Own Business

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Bob Hall reports from Corby on the ways in which workers from the steelworks who were made redundant when it closed have set up their own businesses.





Film type:

Colour / Sound



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Bob Hall piece to camera in Corby with the now closed steelworks visible on the horizon. We meet several former employees of the steel works and find out how they spent their redundancy money to start new businesses. Inside the Corby Trades and Labour Club we meet 'Scouse' Robinson who is seen buying a pint and playing a fruit machine (he spent his money on home improvements, paying off debts and a holiday). Bob Hall piece to camera outside the club. Views of the new Earlstrees industrial estate and the woodwork business run by former British Steel worker Dougal Mackenzie. He began by making dog kennels (but didn't sell any). He is interviewed about his debts. Mackenzie is also reported to be the British Steel 'mole' who leaked confidential information about British Steel to the media. The next case is Brian Cotterill who makes clock cabinets in a small workshop behind a butcher's shop. He is doing well thanks to low overheads and rents. Ted Holmes has a plumbing and heating business and has succeeded thanks to long hours and hard work. We then see Malcolm Palmer who has a textile business meeting an adviser from British Steel. Finally we see Palmer and other employees attending a small business training course.


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