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Douglas Hogg is the Conservative MP for Grantham. We see him riding his bike from his Chelsea home (he is an early adopter of the bike helmet due to a childhood injury). At his London home Reg Harcourt talks to him about his background in law and his family background (his father is Lord Hailsham) which made it highly likely that he would enter politics. We the cut to an interview with Frank Haynes who is the new MP for Ashfield in Nottinghamshire. He talks about his own family background (he remembers newspapers as table cloths and his shoes being stuffed with cardboard). Haynes is an NUM branch official and is seen chatting to miners outside Clipstone Colliery and later in a local pub. There are further interviews with both MPs and we also see Haynes at home with his wife listening to a classical music record and seeing his new baby grand daughter. Hogg is seen at home playing Monopoly with his wife Sarah (who is assistant editor of The Economist) and his children Charlotte and Quintin.
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