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Opening tease shots shows prisoners in the exercise yard of an older prison (may be Leicester). Exterior shots of Featherstone Prison which was built in 1976. Views inside the prison which because of its modern construction has cells that have their own toilets and sinks. Therefore, there is no overcrowding or slopping out. Shot of guard closing prison door. Views inside an empty cell. Interview with an inmate who describes the prison as providing the light at the end of the tunnel as many inmates are transferred there towards the end of their sentences. Shots of a staff meeting led by the governor Brendan O'Friel, also including the deputy governor Anne Hair (?) Views of the workshop where inmates are trained to City and Guilds standard to help with future employment. We then see inmates making typewriters and working in the on-site textile factory. Also shots of the prison farm showing inmates with cattle. Views of a separate block that houses short term inmates. Interview with one of these men who was imprisoned for non-payment of maintenance money to his ex-wife. The reel ends with mute shots showing prisoners and guards on the balcony and walkway of a different older prison (again like the opening may be Leicester Prison).
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