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The programme is presented in the studio by Rajendra Bhahmbhatt and includes a series of greetings marking the first anniversary of the programme and short clips of performers in the studio.
Anchor: Rajendra Bhahmbhatt
Guests: Mangal Dhillon; Staff of MATV Studios
Special thanks: Karsan Kaka; Suresh Kotetcha; Nayna Patel; Minal Parmar; Daljeet Neer; Hindpal Singh; Nilesh Shulka
Editor: Rajendra Bhahmbhatt
Production Assistants: Vilash Mistry; Mayur Rathod
Camera: Naunit Sunderji; Vilash Mistry; Arbind Mohan
Graphics: Arbind Mohan
Technical Director: Arvind Audit
Produced by Rajendra Bhahmbhatt
Executive Producer: Vinod Popat
Episode number unknown