The film begins with shots of two girls with a gardener standing in the garden outside the works of Frank Dale on Mill Street in Leominster looking at flowers that are in bloom. "Leominster Improvements Society, Ploughing Match, 8th October 1955". This sequence begins with displays of produce at the event held at Broadward, some of which is on show in a marquee. Outside in the field we see the judges preparing for the competition. There are shots of people in the refreshments tent and then men posing with trophies followed by a group of women also standing behind the trophy table.
Farmers are seen demonstrating ploughing using pairs of horses followed by tractors ploughing straight furrows. Other scenes show the judging of fruit, vegetable and produce at the event. A woman wearing a 'Plough Queen' sash climbs onto a trailer and is then seen being paraded around the site. Further shots of ploughing with horses and tractors follows. We also see a demonstration of hedging techniques.
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