The first section is silent and shows a gathering of canal boats (may be at Autherley junction where the Shropshire Union meets the Staffordshire and Worcestershire canal). There is also a fete with a display of country dancing. We then travel by motor boat heading north along the Staffordshire and Worcestershire canal from the Wolverhampton basin passing Autherley junction followed by a stop at Hatherton junction where Ernest Thomas has built a landing area and café on to a lock close to the A5. We then pass another lock with construction work for the M6 motorway visible in the distance before the boat reaches Otherton lock where the crew drink tea before heading south again into a setting sun. Next we see an indoor autumn fair held at St Stephen's church hall at Willenhall on 10 October 1964. Guest of honour is the ATV presenter Pat Cox who is seen speaking at the event's opening and also signing autographs.
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