Central News East: 19.10.1992: Silverhill Closes


Bharat Patel report about the closure of Silverhill Colliery at Mansfield in Nottinghamshire.





Film type:

Colour / Sound


Central Television

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The workers at Silverhill Colliery were told on Friday that the pit was to close but came in to work today (Monday) determined to keep working and hoping to use a court ruling to back that up. However they were sent home and the future of the pit now appears to be dead. Exterior of Silverhill Colliery. View inside canteen including Ian Clayton, colliery manager sending workers home. Interview with David Prendergast, UDM who said that the men had come to work to protect the fabric of the mine. Interview with Bert Sage, UDM Branch Secretary who said that the men wanted to work but were being sent home. Vox pops with devastated miners. Brief shot of Michael Heseltine speaking in the House of Commons. Interview with Peter Hughes, deputy manager critical of the amount of money promised by the government following the closure.


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