Left Right and Centre: 16.10.1978: Politics in School

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Peter Plant report about a government plan to introduce political education into schools.





Film type:

Colour / Sound



Master format:



Opening tease shot is Peter Plant asking a group of school pupils if they know who the Chancellor of the Exchequer is. Plant reports that sixty percent of children receive no political education despite the Labour government wanting it to be compulsory in all secondary schools. Exterior shot of the Department of Education in London (Elizabeth House). Plant interviews the Secretary of State for Education and Science, Shirley Williams about the importance of young people knowing about politics. Plant then visits Southwood comprehensive school in Corby which is one of the few schools in the ATV region that offers lessons in politics. We see classes underway (one teacher taking the lessons is wearing a gown). The children are seen learning about local politics and later taking part in a debate. Exterior shot of the Conservative central office in London. Interview with the Conservative education spokesman Dr Rhodes Boyson who is not happy with politics being taught in schools. Back in Corby we see more lessons underway and Plant talks to pupils about what they have learnt.


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