Clothing the Nation: The East Midlands Textile Industry

Running Time: 28 Mins

Format: 1 Disc, DVD       

Ratio: 4:3


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From bobbin winders to warp knitters, the East Midlands has a proud heritage in clothing and textile manufacture. However, industries that once employed thousands of predominantly female workers have been in decline for years fighting against cheaper foreign imports.

This compilation curated by the Media Archive for Central England (MACE) remembers the boom years, and reflects on the work of the textile machinist which was both an art-form and a way of life.

Important Notes: This title does not have optional Subtitles. This DVD is made to order. A file is burnt to disc in our technical suite when it is purchased. Waiting time for the DVD can therefore be up to 2 weeks. This compilation has been shown on Vimeo as part of MACE's New Way of Seeing project.