Telford - Your Opportunity


Promotional film made for the Telford Development Corporation that aims to encourage businesses to move to the town.





Film type:

Colour / Sound




Quill Productions

Master format:



The opening section shows pedestrians and traffic in Birmingham city centre. We then cut to an MGB driven by Alan Towers travelling along the deserted A5 towards Telford. The car stops and Towers gets out for an introductory piece to camera. More than seventy companies have moved to Telford new town. We see establishing shots of the Stafford Park, Halesfield and Tweedale industrial estates. Another Towers piece to camera on the Halesfield estate follows. We then hear the views of Jeremy Beasley, the Managing Director of Automatic Pressings Ltd. He talks to camera about his firm’s move from Blackheath to Telford and the success of the firm. Inside Automatic Pressings we see production line shots. More factories under construction follow plus the completed premises of T. B. Harris Reclaimers and the long established local firm of GKN Sankey Ltd. Alan Towers next talks about facilities with a piece to camera in the shopping precinct at Madeley. This is followed by aerial views of housing, establishing shots of the precinct and views of newly built housing on the Sutton Hill estate. Standing outside an executive’s house Towers makes the link with the Shropshire industrial pioneers and we see views of the River Severn, Ironbridge and Coalbrookdale. Next Paul Hyams (?) the Managing Director of Ultracast Ltd talks to camera about his firm's move from Bloxwich. More tracking shots passing factories follows including National Standard. The next contributor is Peter Kinnear, the Managing Director of Link 51. He admits that he didn’t initially want to move to Telford. We then see inside one of his fabrication factories. The film is wrapped up with more views of the shopping precinct, shots of the new town centre including the hypermarket under construction and a final Towers piece to camera.


Produced for Telford Development Corporation by Quill Productions
