Our Jobs are Not for Sale

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A campaign video commissioned by West Midlands County Council that highlights unemployment issues in the region.





Film type:

Colour / Sound

Master format:

U-matic Lo band


ISTC shop stewards Wally Round for F.H. Lloyds, Dudley; John French for the Brockhouse District, Smethwick and Geoff Walters for John Bagnalls, Wednesbury talk about being made redundant. Kathy Sutton, a Welfare Rights Worker at the Economic Development Unit, WMCC describes the money issues facing workers who lose their jobs. Victor Webb, a Welder at BL, Longbridge who took redundancy details the events which led to him being at risk of losing his home. Peter Lighthouse, ISTC Divisional Officer explains how redundancy affects a whole community, over a shot of a rundown street. Terry Pitt, Senior Advisor for the Economic Development Unit, WMCC states that one in three of the manufacturing jobs in the West Midlands have been lost. We see inside Birmingham Printers (1982) Ltd, a workers’ co-partnership. Intermittent captions state various statistics relating to employment in the West Midlands.

Peter Eastow of Birmingham Printers (1982) Ltd, describes how the company was set up. Jim Rowley, Secretary of the Bitteswell Employment Alliance outlines about how the group at the former RAF Bitteswell has grown. John French, ISTC shop steward for the Brockhouse District, Smethwick makes clear his feelings on the popular press and its attacks on unions. ISTC shop stewards, Geoff Walters for John Bagnalls, Wednesbury and Wally Round for F.H. Lloyds, Dudley talk about how important it is to fight for jobs. Terry Pitt, Senior Advisor for the Economic Development Unit, WMCC, John French and Victor Webb, a Welder at BL, Longbridge who took redundancy, explain the steps workers should take when at risk of redundancy. Mike Walton of Birmingham Printers (1982) Ltd shares his advice, as a worker who fought and won his job back. Final thoughts from Geoff Walters, Jim Rowley, Terry Pitt and Victor Webb. Intermittent captions state various statistics relating to employment in the West Midlands. A song ‘Jobs for Sale’ reoccurs throughout.


Song: Dave Rodgers
Vocals: Maria, Dave Rodgers
Musician: Chris Jones
Production: Richard Allen, Andy Harrison, Harry Henderson, Chris Rodgers, Paul Sen, Julie Stewart, Jon Stewart

Unlimited Vision would like to thank everyone who helped in the making of this video.

An Unlimited Vision Production