The New Pioneers


Promotional film for the Teleford Development Corporation.



Film type:

Colour / Sound




Quill Productions

Master format:



Views of Coalbrookdale museum, aerial views of Ironbridge and shots of the bridge itself are accompanied with a commentary talking about the industrial history of this part of Shropshire. After a shot of a potter at work we cut to views of Telford new town including aerial shots. We then see a view of a spoil tip followed by shots of earthmovers at work and a montage of shots of house building, modern estate houses of both council and private types and children playing including in an adventure playground. We then see the shopping precinct at Madeley, the Tweedale industrial estate and more aerial views of the Telford area. At Prioslee Hall, the headquarters of the Telford Development Corporation (TDC) we see architects at work and there follows views of the various industrial units available to relocating businesses. We see production at one of these new factories - Webster Wilkinson Ltd who make electrical insulators. The firm’s managing director Stuart Webster talks to camera about the role of the TDC in their move. Next we see steel tubes being made at Fulton TI (part of the Tube Investments group). The managing director, Tony Cooper talks about their relocation. Finally we visits the works of Eaton Yale and Towne who make tractor shovels. We see production lines and their managing director Ed Hilton talks to camera about their move from Wednesfield.


No credits specified
