The New Life


Promotional film encouraging people to move to Telford new town.





Film type:

Colour / Sound




Quill Productions

Master format:



We open with establishing shots of new houses in Telford. Presenter Tom Coyne gives a piece to camera overlooking one of these new developments. We then see exterior views of housing, industrial units, women with prams outside a shop and a brief shot of the Red Admiral pub. Another piece to camera from Coyne on an estate follows.

The next section shows a school fete crowded with people and more views of council housing in Telford showing traffic free courtyards and green spaces. Coyne next visits a pedestrian precinct on the Sutton Hill estate and we then see children in the local playgroup and mothers visiting a baby group. Other facilities on offer are covered with a montage showing teenagers dancing, an exercise class, elderly people chatting, drum majorettes and sport.

Coyne next visits the local interdenominational centre. We then see views of the shopping precinct at Madeley showing its proximity to the older Anstice Hall which offers a social club. We then see sporting activities at the Court Centre. Coyne brings in the wider locality with a piece to camera alongside the River Severn followed by shots of horse riding and motorcycle scrambling and Telford United football players training. Indoor social activities are covered with shots of a pub sing-along and bingo players. Finally we see views inside Abraham Darby Secondary School including the choir who are heard on the soundtrack.


Camera: Gordon Swindell
Assistant: Mike Hill
Script Direction: Donald Robertson
Quill Productions
