Membership Matters

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Members of the Society of Civil and Public Servants come together to discuss their experiences.





Film type:

Colour / Sound

Master format:

U-matic Lo band


The film starts with a piece from ‘News at Ten’ about Sarah Holmes, a Home Office worker who was denied the option of part time working after becoming a mother.
Speaking from their own experience, members of the Society of Civil and Public Servants demonstrate how the Society has defended their interests and point to the wide range of issues the union takes up on members behalf.


An SCPS video

Members Taking Part:
Sarah Holmes, Lorna Jolly, Mike Clarke, Dave Berwick, Pat Feeney, Catherine McCarthy, Hilary Sewell, Ken Rignall, Jim Gee

Thanks to the organisations who helped in the making of this programme

Production Team:
Charlie Arnold, Trevor Boden, Maggie Ellis, Nick Fry, Roger Kline, Dave Rushton, Jack Shea, Pete Woodhouse

Produced by TURC video for the Society of Civil and Public Servants

© SCPS 1985

We give you a voice in your future


Produced by TURC video for the SCPS