Left Right and Centre: 05.04.1982: School Leavers

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Left Right and Centre film insert. Rob Whitehouse looks at the problems facing a group of Wolverhampton school leavers.





Film type:

Colour / Sound


Central Television

Master format:



At Moreton Comprehensive School in Wolverhampton 32 pupils are planning to leave at Easter and none of them have yet to find a job. Views of Moreton School and a local council estate in poor state of repair. We see some of the group attending a careers lesson led by careers officer Pam Ellison. We meet 16-year-old Mandy who is leaving without taking exams and is hoping to work on a market stall. She is seen talking to careers officer Lorraine Clendon and we also hear from her father who wanted her to stay on at school. Interview with the school headteacher Roger Pask about the struggles faced by the pupils who are leaving. We then meet pupil Stephen who is hoping to become a jockey. He is seen at Wolverhampton racecourse chatting to trainer Martin Tate who may have a position for him. He also talks to the careers officer about a potential role on a farm. We next meet Ian who left school at 16 and the factory job that he was hoping to take up disappeared. He is seen walking through an industrial estate. Further contributions from teacher Jenny Speller and careers officer Dominic Clarke as well as vox pops with the teenagers who are disillusioned with school and exams.


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