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Exterior of Nottingham Midland railway station. On the platform we see a diesel train arriving. Some dark shots of two children looking around the station. We cut to the family home at Wollaton. A new Mini car is parked on drive . Views from a bridge over a dual carriageway (may be the A1). Exterior of Kelly’s Imperial Café at Boroughbridge (in Yorkshire) with the Mini parked outside. Shots of military jet aircraft on display at an airfield. Shots of the family on a sandy beach (possibly North Yorkshire). Children on a big slide and a beachside roundabout. Views from the moving car on a transporter bridge (Middlesbrough?). Sign for Roxburgh (Scotland). Views of Jedburgh Abbey followed by views of Melrose Abbey. Shots of Grey Mare’s waterfall (Dumfries and Galloway). Visit to a small zoo. Children playing on a sandy beach again
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