Industrial Shunting: The Modern Technique


Promotional film for Ruston and Hornsby industrial diesel locomotives showing their use and manufacture at the Lincoln works.





Film type:

Black & White / Silent




Ruston and Hornsby Film Unit

Master format:



Opening section shows the uses of industrial railways including views of coal and iron ore trains, a dockside railway, shot of a British Railways freight train, canal barge and lorries transporting freight. We see both steam and diesel industrial locomotives in a freight yard. A cutaway diesel engine and a series of diagrams are used to illustrate the efficiency of diesel over steam power. We then see the Ruston and Hornsby diesel locomotive 'Mazda' (at the British Thomson Houston plant at Rugby) being refuelled and a cut to similar scenes showing a steam locomotive being coaled and its boiler cleaned. We then see a driver using a clocking-in machine and driving his diesel loco out of a shed (at Staythorpe power station in Nottinghamshire). The next section shows inside the Ruston and Hornsby works in Lincoln with views of manufacture including a frame being lifted onto wheels, engines being assembled, gears and cranks being machined, completed diesels leaving the works and final painting. We then see more shots of Ruston diesels in use at different locations (including Yarrow and Co in Glasgow, and more views at BTH in Rugby) as well as unidentified power stations and a loco pulling wagons over a weigh bridge. We also see some overseas usage. The final section shows views of Lincoln including the High Street, Brayford Pool, a shot of Lincoln Cathedral and then Steep Hill. The final shots show Ruston packing crates marked for export.


No credits specified
