Programme introduced by Zia Mohyeddin. The first studio guest is Dr Prem Misra, a psychiatrist from Glasgow who is studying computer addiction amongst teenagers. He talks to Paula Ahluwalia about his findings. Next in the studio Nigel Moffatt sings a new song called African Crisis. The final item is a film report in which Mita Hackett investigates the idea of black sections within the Labour party. In Birmingham Sparkbrook which is a seat held by the deputy leader of the party, Roy Hattersley, a section to promote the views of black and Asian voters has been set up against the wishes of both Hattersley and the party itself. Mita talks to Paul Sharma, Black Sections Midlands Organiser who says that their aim is to change the rules of the Labour party. Mita then meets Keith Vaz who is the prospective candidate for the Leicester East seat and sees black sections of the party as a positive thing. Next we hear the views of a number of Asian Labour members in Sparkbrook including Councillor Mohammed Rafique who supports Hattersley (although a voice over reveals that he has since changed his mind). We then see Councillor Amir Khan on a street in Sparkbrook and Mita interviews him. He is described as a prime mover behind black sections. The programme closes with a clip from next week’s Mosaic programme on Channel 4 produced by the Hear and Now team which is a profile of the Kathak dancer Nahid Siddiqui.
VTR Editor: Tim Horrocks
Production Team: Paula Ahluwalia; Hilary Minster; Vera Gilbert; Peter Emina; Mita Hackett; Patsy Wood; Lynne Stevens
Directors: Sid Kilbey; David Maloney
Producer/Presenter: Zia Mohyeddin
Production number 5762/85.