Here and Now: 16.10.1980: Police


Zia Mohyeddin report about issues surrounding the right to protest following conflicting police decisions surrounding marches by the far right group the National Front.





Film type:

Colour / Sound



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Archive shots of fascist leader Oswald Mosley and his black shirts in the 1930s. Zia Mohyeddin interviews a series of people asking whether they think the National Front should be allowed to march. On one hand they are a legal political party but the other side of the argument is that they march on a platform of racial hatred and violence. The interviewees include the Chief Constable of Leicestershire Alan Goodson who allowed a controversial march to take place in Leicester in April 1979 during which 5,000 police officers were deployed. We see library pictures of police on duty during the march and an interview with Goodson from the time of the march - from ATV Today 23 April 1979. Another interviewee is the Labour MP for Leicester South, Jim Marshall. There is also a short library interview with Martin Webster of the National Front about a march through West Bromwich that was banned in August 1980 (ATV Today 15 August 1980). The interviewees generally agree that the government should decide whether people can march and not the police.


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