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Religious series presented by Tom Coyne. This week's programme includes extracts from a new Cliff Richard charity film.





Film type:

Colour / Sound


Central Television

Master format:

1 Inch Type C


Extract from a Tony Maycock item from Central News about Christian services taking place at the Crown pub at Monkspath in Solihull. In the studio Tom Coyne talks to Reverend Phil Saleh who organised the services. He also talks about the Christian organisation he works for, the Christian Renewal Centre. Next Coyne talks to the Archbishop of Birmingham, Maurice Couve de Murville about plans to reorganise Catholic schools in Birmingham. Finally we have extracts from a new film made for the Christian charity 'Tear Fund' by Cliff Richard which includes scenes shot in Haiti.


Presented by Tom Coyne
Researchers: Bernard Cartwright; Lynn Todd
Produced and Directed by Michael Hart


PN 4639/85