Shots of primary school children being served and eating school dinners at Charnwood School in Leicester. The school is one of five in the county to introduce halal meat to the menu. 87 percent of pupils are Muslim and before halal was available most ate at home rather than in school. Interview with the head-teacher of Charnwood School, Ahmed Khan about the different method of slaughtering animals that produces halal meat. Library shot of a man reading the Qur'an, a still of a meat carcass and brief library shot of a halal butcher. Interview with Bela Sabherwal about the original plan by Leicestershire County Council to introduce vegetarian meals which were not popular. Vox pops with Muslim school children about eating halal meat. Interview with teacher Kerri Rudon who liked the spicy Asian food. (+ 5.30 unedited shots of the school meals sequence).
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