Central News: 13.08.2009: Man Convicted of Lockerbie Bombing Could Be Freed

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The man convicted of the Lockerbie bombing could be freed from prison on compassionate grounds. Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi was jailed 8 years ago.





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Colour / Sound


Central Television

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He has terminal prostate cancer and could be allowed to return to Libya. Two hundred and seventy people died when Pan Am flight 103 was blown up over Scotland. Among those on board was 23 year old Flora Swire - the daughter of Doctor Jim Swire from Bromsgrove. While many relatives of the victims disagree with plans to release Al Megrahi, Dr Swire believes its the right thing to do. Shots of Ali Mohmed Al Megrahi including the trial (copyright?) Shots of the wreckage following the Lockerbie disaster (ITN). Brief soundbite interview with Dr Jim Swire who does not believe that Al Megrahi is guilty.


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