Beware! P&O Profit Before People

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A campaign video made with seafarers on strike over P & O ferries' decision to cut jobs and increase remaining staff hours on their cross channel ferries.





Film type:

Colour / Sound

Master format:

U-matic SP


Part 01:
Union members on the picket line in Dover explain their position. John Wood, Strike Committee spokesman describes a meeting with P&O Chairman, Sir Jeffrey Sterling. A series of captions describe subsequent events.

Part 02:
John Wood, Strike Committee spokesman, gives an account of the strike to date. A series of captions catalogue company actions. Striking P&O workers voice their concerns about safety on the ferries. An NUS spokesman explains how the union has become bankrupt. A striking steward talks about setting up help for families involved in the dispute. We see soup kitchens set up to feed families and hear from people working there.

Part 03:
A family affected by the dispute sit in a soup kitchen and talk about the support they’ve received. We see a display of merchandise and pamphlets in support of the strike. NUS spokesmen describe measures that could be taken to put pressure on P & O. Scrolled captions list P & O affiliated companies. Striking workers talk about the much needed backing they’ve received from the general public.


With thanks to everyone who helped in making this video particularly the seafarers and their families taking part:

Frank Wright, Chrissie Parkinson, Mike Chambers, John Hoare, Esther Horton, Jim Archibald, John Wood, Phil Hutchinson, Lester Hilton, Kenny Usher, Becky Sawbridge, Trevor Lewis, Opal Roberts, John Childs, Gay Childs, Shelley Childs, Bob Flux, Andy Hendry, Joe Nicholas, David Watts

A TURC Video Production


Copy 25902 contains the same content but spread over two MOVs instead of three.