ATV Today: 26.10.1981: Hamburgers


Ann Leuchars report on the increase in American style fast food shops and the opening of a branch of McDonald's in Birmingham.





Film type:

Colour / Sound



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Views inside the newly opening branch of McDonalds in Birmingham showing staff at work serving fast food and cooking burgers. Sign for American Food Factory which is also due to open soon. Exterior shots of McDonald's, Dayvilles ice cream and a new British shop called Sizzles which is due to open this week to compete with the Americans. Interview with George Silver, the chairman of Silver about changing eating habits in Britain. He said that he thought the British would not accept the American style, but he has been wrong. Library shots of Wimpy on Corporation Street in Birmingham who are a British chain who are converting their shops to fast food to try to compete with the Americans (shots are from 4 August 1980). Further shots inside McDonalds including customers eating. Interview with Peter Preston, the operations manager of McDonald's, who said they are very pleased with business in the Midlands, and they are not worried about British competition. Two McDonald's customers expressed their approval of the food. (+ trims that include further shots of the McDonalds kitchens).


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